Who We Are
PennDel Youth Alive is about students sharing Jesus at school and beyond. It is the missional discipleship arm of the Assembly of God Youth Ministry. The students in your youth ministry can be missionaries. Now is the time for students to talk about Jesus more than anything else to reach more students than ever before.
What We Do
PennDel Youth Alive partners with the local church to encourage, empower, and equip students with the necessary knowledge and tools to reach the local school and their community with the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. Middle and High School students spend nearly 50% of their waking hours on their school campuses. This makes schools one of the most prominent locations to reach students for the Kingdom of God. The school campus is the primary mission field for every student who follows Jesus, and usually the largest mission field in every community.
How We Do It
The best way for the Gospel to be shared with students at school is through students who follow Jesus at school. Each fall, Youth Alive calls and commissions students to share Jesus with their friends at school, private, or public, there are practical ways for them to share their faith. Campus missionaries love and serve their friends as they share Jesus at the lunch table, though faith-based campus clubs, sports teams, school outreaches, the arts, and more. PennDel Youth Alive offers monthly campus missionary trainings via Zoom, as well as various workshop opportunities throughout the year at PennDel Youth Events.