Start A Movement!

  • YA Movement - Prayer

    A Youth Alive Prayer Movement is a simple and powerful strategy for students to pray at school.

  • YA Movement - Traditional Club

    A traditional Youth Alive Club is an official school-approved club that meets at school.

  • YA Movement - Huddles

    A Youth Alive Huddle is a group of students who meet together in an “unofficial” way to share the Gospel with their school.

  • YA Movement - Homeschool

    A homeschool club shares the Gospel with a homeschool co-op, neighborhood, workplaces, or sports/activity groups.

  • YA Movement - Cyberschool

    A Cyber School Youth Alive Club is usually a group of students who attend the same online school and want to share the Gospel, but live too far apart to meet in person.

  • YA Movement - College

    A College Youth Alive/Chi Alpha Movement is ideal if you are dual enrolled in college as a high school student.

Resources For Campus Missionaries

  • Fire Bible (Youth Alive Edition)

    The FireBible Youth Alive Edition provides not only Scripture text, but study notes and articles that will help you comprehend the depth of God’s love for you and reveal the plans he has for your life.

  • Alive In 5 Booklet

    Featuring five easy-to-understand steps, the sinner's prayer, and tips for discipleship, you can rest assured that students and leaders alike will be able to better share the message of Jesus with those around them when they use this resource.

  • Alive In 5 30 Day Devotional

    The Alive In 5 30 Day Devotional is a great resource to dive deeper into God’s word. This devotional walks students through the S.O.A.P. Method as they learn and grow as disciples for Jesus Christ.

  • Alive In Christ

    Designed to answer the questions teens ask most often, this guide points teens into the Bible for more discovery and exploration into the adventure they've begun. Alive in Christ also includes questions and space for the reader to answer.

  • I Dare You

    You'll be dared to have your friends pray with you, read and talk about the Bible with you, and to pass on your own challenges, like daring your friends to love like God does. Finally, you'll be dared to give them the ultimate dare-to place their faith in Jesus.

  • God So Loved

    GOD SO LOVED is a student’s guide to sharing Jesus in the largest and most accessible mission field in the United States—the public school.

Resources For Youth Pastors & Leaders

  • NextGen High Scores

    Grounded in research and illustrated with real-life experience, NextGen High Scores explains in practical language the most common behaviors, practices, and strategies of kids and youth pastors who make a lasting impact.

  • The Big Ten

    This quick-access resource is a must-have for your ministry! Scotty Gibbons draws on 20 years of youth ministry experience to cut out the fluff and give you an invaluable guide.